Highway 1 – Day 2

Day 2

Woke up bright and early and walked down to the local market to get food for Lindy and I.  She waited patiently outside the store while I grabbed a few things.  Walked back to the motel we stayed and talked to our neighbors for the evening.  They had been living in the motel and by chance had a can opener for the canned food i got Lindy.

Got packed up and headed up the coast.  Stopped in a couple places along the way but by far my favorites were the Salt Point State Park and the turn off that had fields of succulents growing.  I thought Salt Point State Park was only the grassy field I originally saw but hiking in a bit I discovered massive stone structures and water crashing into them.  I spent about 2 hours here wandering around.

Headed up to Mendocino and played around on the beach a bit, drove into town and grabbed lunch at a small taquiera.  While it seems like a fun town, we still had 6 hours of driving left.

The terrain started to change a ton at this point and we were driving on winding roads that snaked thru forests and mountains.  It was your quintessential Nor Cal/PNW forest roads.  We also drove thru a tree!!  I havent seen one of these since I was a child so of course we had to stop there.

Our trip ended passing over into Oregon and checking into a hotel in Gold Beach.


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