When I left Omaha, I was still pretty shocked at how pretty the area was, even with all the corn fields outside the city. It also may have been from seeing actual greenery and not the dull dead brown of Colorado and western Omaha. Also the manure, there seems to be a ton of it out there…
Anyway, the drive from Omaha to the Chicago area was pretty great! I know, I just said that drive was great. Heres why. I stopped and visited the Bridges of Madison County, weathered a severe thunderstorm I was certain was a tornado, got to see the Mississippi and ended the trip hanging out with my good friends Justyna, Jeff and JoAnna in their back yard where Lindy got to run around. Just so we are clear, the bridges were a bust but the experience reaffirmed my belief that I might have a close to perfect dog.
Lindy was able to pose in a stone archway with a 10 foot drop below and when I called her, she instinctively knew to go around vs jumping down. She also waited in the car with all the windows down and when I called her to come to me, she jumped out and ran directly to me thru squirrel infested trees. She also played with Justyna and Jeffs 1 year old gently and patiently.